Wednesday, October 14, 2009

For Whom The Bell Tolls: Imagery

Ernest Hemingway uses imagery in For Whom The Bell Tolls enough for it to be the dominant literary element of the novel. He writes in a descriptive way and has full pages and sometimes almost full chapters of imagery. The book is about war and the imagery describes the fear, violence, and labor of war. It makes the story seem realistic and gives his perspective on war in a fashion that we can understand and comprehend it.
The imagery in a way is the story. All the major events are accompanied by loads and loads of imagery, and whenever something is important to him or the story it's obvious by the 2 pages of imagery preceding it. When he works on his duty and when he deals with those he has to work with it is described in detail. The imagery is the backbone of this story, giving it fullness and life.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Really interesting paragraph, all of your slight hints of cynicism drew me in. I literally stood in front of my computer reading your paragraph over and over again until i could finally grasp the true intelegence and enlightend spirit that went into writing this paragraph. Simply a master piece.
