Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Early Memory

It was another day of kindergarten, I'd just woken up and was excited for another day of school, something I realize was stupid now that I look back on it, I never enjoyed school and that day was particularly bad. I went to school and saw we were working on something that was not fun, cursive writing. It was boring and always felt like a pointless task. I never planned nor plan to write in cursive. It was the first day, we were learning A through G.
I learned how to write without picking up my hand and how to make the letters curve and loop together. A, no problem. Same with B, and C and D and E and F. But then there was G. I don't know what it was about it but I couldn't manage to make a G that looked at all professional. Then Mrs. Spohn, our teacher(and not a very good one), decided to "help" me. By watching me and telling me " to do it right!" I got frustrated and told her, so politely, to go away. She then decided to make me stay in at recess.....and work on G. This has been burned on my memory and was the first experience I can remember that prepared me for how school is.

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