Friday, October 30, 2009

Characterization: Your best friend

I'm gonna write about an old friend, doesn't live around here anymore and don't see him much, but he's still a friend. His name was Walter, but he asked to be called Will. He was a little on the heavy side with long hair down to the back of his head. He wore odd clothes and sometimes was made fun of for that, but I didn't care. He would make up these funny and cool stories, which hold their quality to me today, I always thought he'd be a writer like he wanted to be. I hope he's getting his chance today. People always thought he was a little weird but they didn't get to know him, and he had a hard time getting to know people.
Will was always very creative and when you got to know him he was energetic and even hyper. But he was also an introvert, and rarely even spoke to people he didn't know well. Which is why it took his and my mom being best friend's for me to get to know him. Other kids thought he was weird because they didn't understand him and he never told them how he felt.
I still miss Will and regret the day I heard he was moving, his father was in the army and his frequent moves may have been the reason for his unwillingness to extend friendship to people.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Early Memory

It was another day of kindergarten, I'd just woken up and was excited for another day of school, something I realize was stupid now that I look back on it, I never enjoyed school and that day was particularly bad. I went to school and saw we were working on something that was not fun, cursive writing. It was boring and always felt like a pointless task. I never planned nor plan to write in cursive. It was the first day, we were learning A through G.
I learned how to write without picking up my hand and how to make the letters curve and loop together. A, no problem. Same with B, and C and D and E and F. But then there was G. I don't know what it was about it but I couldn't manage to make a G that looked at all professional. Then Mrs. Spohn, our teacher(and not a very good one), decided to "help" me. By watching me and telling me " to do it right!" I got frustrated and told her, so politely, to go away. She then decided to make me stay in at recess.....and work on G. This has been burned on my memory and was the first experience I can remember that prepared me for how school is.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

For Whom The Bell Tolls: Imagery

Ernest Hemingway uses imagery in For Whom The Bell Tolls enough for it to be the dominant literary element of the novel. He writes in a descriptive way and has full pages and sometimes almost full chapters of imagery. The book is about war and the imagery describes the fear, violence, and labor of war. It makes the story seem realistic and gives his perspective on war in a fashion that we can understand and comprehend it.
The imagery in a way is the story. All the major events are accompanied by loads and loads of imagery, and whenever something is important to him or the story it's obvious by the 2 pages of imagery preceding it. When he works on his duty and when he deals with those he has to work with it is described in detail. The imagery is the backbone of this story, giving it fullness and life.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Outside Reading

For Whom the Bell Tolls did not immediately grab my attention but as I went I got drawn into it. He has a very steady, almost bland writing style but the characters are growing on me and I'm getting into the story.

I'm fairly sure that imagery is the most dominant, there are long paragraphs and full pages of imagery throughout. I'm not completely sure but it seems like that as of now. He writes like this to build realistic characters and settings. To make the story come alive. He builds up a setting so we can have insight into the character's feelings about their scenery.

The tone is very informative and impartial. It switches back and forth, though, with impartial because it states that someone is bad, is not good. But it states this as fact, as a given. It seems that the writing is always impartial and just represents the character's honestly.