Friday, September 25, 2009

Writing about Reading

The written word is one of the things that seperates us from the more primitive animals, it utilizes our imagination. Reading a book is stepping into another world, even if the book is nonfiction. Another world that takes us away from our narrow and limited perspectives, giving us a viewpoint that is alien to our own. And whether we enjoy it or not, it's a strong experience.

Getting into the first pages of a book can be a great experience, immediately drawing us in and entangling you in the story, or it can be difficult and uncomfortable. Taking the beginning steps of a novel is throwing yourself into that world, and sometimes it'll be strange and foreign. Often the book will get better if you give it time, absorb the information and let the plot build, but sometimes you just won't enjoy the experience. The trick is to keep reading until your sure you're uninterested.

I have done a lot of reading in many situations and, though this may be rare, never have much of a problem reading when it's noisy or irritating. I am able to get into the book and ignore everything else. Reading while my brothers are yelling or watching T.V. happens very often and maybe I've just learned to adapt. I don't even enjoy the book any less.

My reading style is usually fast and easy, going through pages quickly and almost unconsciously. Sometimes, however, when I don't enjoy a book I will have to actually say the words in my head and force myself to keep my attention on the pages. This is very uncomfortable and luckily my reading is usually very flowing.

I read fiction because I love it. It brings about the characters and settings that are truly original, truly entertaining. Nothing is better than a good fiction book, where I can escape stress and assignments and honors biology tests.

Thanks for reading.